\\ ARI’s 50th anniversary echoes loudly! Today, Thursday, September 28, 9:40AM Japanese radio program “OH! HAPPY MORNING” interview onair //
September 28, 9:40AM Japanese radio program “OH! HAPPY MORNING” interview onair
Seven days have passed!! commemorative crowdfunding campaigns are underway!
Donations to this project are eligible for a 50% match as part of the September 2023 Little by Little campaign! until September 22, 2023, at 23:59:59 EDT
September 18-22 — ARI Crowdfunding Matching Campaign!! 🏆🌾
During September 18~22, Global Giving will match 50% of donations to ARI
50th Anniversary Foundation Day! Ceremony live-streaming now! Crowd Funding Started!
13:00-13:45 50th Anniversary Worship Service
14:00-15:45 50th Anniversary Commemorial Service
The 50th anniversary celebration and crowdfunding begins tomorrow at 12:45pm!
13:00-13:45 50th Anniversary Worship Service Preach:Rev Robert Witmer, UC Canada (Former Director of Theological Seminary for Rural Mission) 14:00-15:45 50th Anniversary Commemorial Service Keynote Speech:Ardhendu Chatterjee
Two days to go! Preparations are well underway for the 50th anniversary ceremony and the release of the second crowdfunding campaign!
13:00-13:45 50th Anniversary Worship Service Preach:Rev Robert Witmer, UC Canada (Former Director of Theological Seminary for Rural Mission) 14:00-15:45 50th Anniversary Commemorial Service Keynote Speech:Ardhendu Chatterjee
3 days to go! 50th Anniversary Celebration & Commemorative Crowdfunding #2 – Simultaneous Domestic and International Launch!
13:00-13:45 50th Anniversary Worship Service
Preach:Rev Robert Witmer, UC Canada (Former Director of Theological Seminary for Rural Mission)
14:00-15:45 50th Anniversary Commemorial Service
Keynote Speech:Ardhendu Chatterjee
ARI’s 50th Anniversary Celebration is only 10 days away!Crowdfunding projects in Japan and abroad are underway!
Online Streaming
Date: Saturday, September 16, 12:45 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.
URL: ARI’s 50th anniversary website
Asian Rural Institute 50th Commemorial Service: We are streaming live online!
Date & Time:September 16th (Sat) 12:45AM~3:45PM
・Where can you watch:ARI 50th Anniversary website