Acknowledging Former Director Rev. Ueda’s Recent Passing

Bishop Rev. Jintaro Ueda, who served as ARI’s director from 1994 to 2000 and board member from 1994 to 2008, passed away on Monday, April 8, 2024. He was 83 years old. Current director Tomoko Arakawa reflects on her memories of Rev. Ueda: “He was my first director when I joined ARI as a staff member. He had a great deal of international experience, spoke fluent English, and was very knowledgeable about the church situation in Asia and Africa. He also loved music and played the piano very well. He … Read more

52nd Annual Opening Ceremony (Part 2)

This past Tuesday, June 11, we hosted our 52nd annual opening ceremony (part 2) in honor of our late-arrival participants, who hail from India, Japan, Malawi, Myanmar, and the Philippines. People work, learn, and volunteer at ARI for various amounts of time, and so many people are always coming or leaving. But no matter what, we want to make sure everyone feels welcome and included when they arrive. We were happy to welcome our new participants and hear their individual stories and resolutions for their time at ARI. They will … Read more