Donate from the United States
We encourage you to make a donation to our school.
Big or small, every bit helps us in our important work.
Half of ARI’s yearly revenue depends on general donations. Individuals, groups, and the organizations who give ensure that our education programs continue to impact lives and change the world for better. They sustain our efforts to fulfill our mission: to build an environmentally healthy, just and peaceful world.
Our US-based partner organization, the 501(c)(3) American Friends of ARI (AFARI), handles individual donations to ARI from the United States and will issue receipts for tax exemption.
Official supporters receive our newsletters, are invited to special events and can visit ARI at discounted fees.
Non-US credit cards can be used if they allow international transactions, but tax exemption is only available for US taxpayers.
For more information on US-based activities by AFARI, please visit their dedicated website.
For those with Venmo accounts, please donate here.

General donations keep ARI running
We use general donations to finance our school’s operating costs: personnel, administration, and educational activities, and research.
In 2023, total operating expenses were over 1.25 million USD (JPY 185m)
General donations make up almost half of ARI’s revenue
General donations made up 44% of ARI’s total revenue in 2023. The rest of income was generated by sales and services (18%) and through scholarships and grants specifically aimed to support the Rural Leaders Training Program (1%).
Total operating revenue was over 1 million USD (JPY 148m)