
[:ja]プライバシー・ポリシー[:en]Privacy Policy[:]




[1] 目的




1. 公開する内容

2. 公開する情報の基本的事項



連絡先: [email protected]



Guidelines on the management of public relations materials of the Asian Rural Institute

Effective as of August 21, 2013

[1] Purpose
The purpose of public relations materials of the Asian Rural Institute (ARI) is to create among the general public a broad understanding of ARI’s educational philosophy and special characteristics as well as the contents of its practice. These materials are also utilized to collect ARI’s achievements and activities and further to undertake collaborative learning and educational activities.

[2]About the created contents
The contents on this website are created by paying careful attention to the following three points: Protection of privacy, consideration of human rights, compliance with intellectual property rights (such as portrait rights and copyright).

  1. Contents to be published
    (1) Introduction of the Asian Rural Institute
    (2) Introduction of its educational activities
    (3) Announcement of research and educational activities
    (4) Announcement of results
    (5) Announcement of news related to the Asian Rural Institute
  2. Basics of the information published on this website
    (1) Prohibited information
    (a) Information that could be an infringement of lives, property and human rights of current students, faculty, local residents, supporters and other individuals.
    (b) Without the consent of the concerned person, no information will be published from which information about an individual or its family (such as the name, address, telephone number, date of birth or photograph) can be specified.
    *This includes content deemed inappropriate as information to be distributed to a large number of the general public from ARI (such as for commercial purpose or information that violates public policy and law).
    (2) Information published under conditions
    (a) If photographs or academic theses are published, the consent of the concerned person will be obtained upon recognizing the educational effect of the materials.
(b) If personal names can be specified from photographs, the consent of the concerned person will be obtained.
    (c) Personal names will be abbreviated to either first or last names.
  • However, full names may be given with the consent of the concerned person or its guardian.

[3]Notes on the publishing of this website
The faculty in charge must always endeavour to post appropriate information onto this website based on [2.2].
* The Asian Rural Institute takes full responsibility for its public relations materials. 
email: [email protected]
telephone: 0287-36-3111

[4]Handling of personal information upon request for information materials
In case information material about ARI is requested by a third party, its address, name and other personal information will not be used for any other purpose than the sending of the requested material as well as notifications on ARI’s activities or events.[:]

ARI Easter Travel Expenses Donation Campaign