Participant Introduction – Sangita (Nepal)

“Have faith in your abilities and trust in the unique strengths that reside within you.”   Sangita is a secretary and assistant to the director of Sister Home. She is deeply invested in grassroots leadership. After being inspired by her sending body, she has taken up the issue of patriarchy in her community and joined an empowerment movement that focuses on educating women about leadership and organic farming. Classes must be carefully publicized and scheduled to make them effective since many women have domestic responsibilities, and some are prohibited from attending. … Read more

Participant Introduction – Pa Maung (Myamar)

“My village is in northeast Chin State, in Myanmar… my community’s livelihood is from shifting [slash-and-burn] cultivation in upland. Our strengths are that we are hardworking and help each other. Challenges are poverty, poor health, unemployment, and illiteracy.” Pa Maung’s description of his community is like many stories of village life in Myanmar or many countries – one struggling to make a living from the soil. As a pastor and farmer, Pa Maung understands the problems of his area. Since 2016 he has worked full- time for the CARD as … Read more

Participant Introduction – Hser (Myanmar)

“I would like to improve the health systems and agricultural techniques of low-lying rural areas. My definition of “Rural” is an important role and takes place for human beings to survive healthily in the world.” Saw Hser Moo grew up working on his family farm and is now a teacher and farm manager in the Rev. Dr. R.L. Pokey Theological Bible School. “Serving in His ministry, not only to God’s but also in our human society as a holistic mission, is motivating me to work and to serve my community.” … Read more

The 51st Commencement Service was held

On Saturday, December 9, we held the 51st commencement service in unseasonably warm weather. 26 participants are now “graduates”!Thank you to all those who attended the ceremony and those who remembered us from afar. On December 12, we sent off 4 graduates with a lot of tears, hugs, songs and prayers. All the remaining graduates will leave on Friday.Director Tomoko Arakawa described seedlings uprooted from their respective places to be transplanted and grown in the ARI community. These seedlings, our newest graduates, will be uprooted again from here to grow … Read more

Closing Wounds, Making Peace

We have had the honor of inviting Ms. Keiko Holmes from Agape World to our campus at Tochigi to present her message on peace and reconciliation to the ARI community. As the Japanese coordinator for Agape World which is an organization dedicated to promote reconciliation between Japan and her former World War II prisoners of war (POWs), Ms. Keiko is no doubt a well-fitted speaker for this topic. Her presentation to the ARI community was full of personal stories which touched the hearts of all who listened. We marveled at … Read more

Western Japan Study Tour 2023 (Part 2)

Participants of ARI successfully completed their study tour around Western Japan, where they break out of their usual classroom setting and come face-to-face with real persons and communities. 5: Minamata After a short midway break in Osaka, Participants took a ferry to Minamata and visited multiple sites to learn about the history of the Minamata Disease and its painful impact on the people in the community. They visited Minamata Disease Museum, the former Chisso company, the Hyakken Drainage site, and the eco-park made on the landfill (reclaimed land) area where … Read more

Participant Introduction- Pa Maung(Myanmar)

“My village is in northeast Chin State, in Myanmar… my community’s livelihood is from shifting [slash-and-burn] cultivation in upland. Our strengths are that we are hardworking and help each other. Challenges are poverty, poor health, unemployment, and illiteracy.” Pa Maung’s description of his community is like many stories of village life in Myanmar or many countries – one struggling to make a living from the soil. As a pastor and farmer, Pa Maung understands the problems of his area. Since 2016 he has worked full- time for the CARD as … Read more

Participant Introduction – Gu Tar(Myanmar)

“Trust is earned by regularly responding to the community’s needs.” Gu Tar Hu is a Baptist minister and the director of development in the Waing Maw Lisu Baptist Association, which serves the predominantly agricultural and ethnic Lisu community in Kachin State, northern Myanmar. Alongside his religious responsibilities, Gu Tar has led emergency response programs to support those affected by Covid-19 and internal displacement. Amidst the various challenges that the farmers of Ding Jang Yong Village confront, the lack of cohesive leadership within the community exacerbates conflicts, as an absence of organizational … Read more

Participant Introduction – Fung (Myanmar)

“A good leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. They are kind in their actions, merciful in their decisions, and patient in their approach, always striving to uplift and empower those around them.” – as this quote inspired Fung, and he hopes to be of inspiration at ARI. Fung’s community comprises mostly ordinary farmers who use shifting cultivation and slash-and-burn farming as their primary means of livelihood. Most people in the community are illiterate, with only a few educated individuals. Fung has experience … Read more

Participant Introduction – Mary (Liberia)

“My community has one public school, which is overcrowded. Children walk several hours to get to school. Even though the community hosts the hydroelectric power plant and the water treatment plant for the Monrovia metropolitan area, the community does not have purified water nor electricity services.” Mary is all too familiar with these problems in the White Plains community that survives by subsistence farming. As field supervisor at UMRADP farm, she is responsible for planning and supervising all field activities. Rural and semi-rural communities across Liberia are primarily uneducated and … Read more