
Director’s Report: Peace Sunday at UCCJ Daita Church

Director’s Report: On August 4 (Sun.), I will preach at the Peace Sunday Service at UCCJ Daita Church (Setagaya-ku, Tokyo). I will also continue to speak at the “Peace Gathering” in the afternoon (13:30-). We will also be selling ARI items. Please join us if you are in the area!

Director’s Report: A Call for Support – Understanding Haiti’s Current Challenges

Director’s Report: We received a newsletter from the Haiti no Kai, a Japanese NGO that supports the KFP in the Republic of Haiti, to which two of our graduates belong.Although rarely reported in Japan, security in Haiti has deteriorated drastically since the assassination of the president three years ago, and earlier this year the country was said to be in unprecedented turmoil in all aspects: social, political, economic, and security.Especially in the capital, armed gangs controlled 80% of the capital and crime was rampant, which turned the city a lawless … Read more

Director’s Report: ICU Reconciliation Forum’s Third ARI Retreat

Director’s Report: A retreat camp of ICU Reconciliation Forum members is being held at ARI from July 15th to 17th. This is the third camp of the group with 19 people participating, the most ever.This group, led by Williams Ikuko, is a group that studies and thinks about reconciliation, which started as an online book club during the coronavirus pandemic. ICU students, teachers, staff, and alumni gather irregularly, and soon their activities have expanded to lectures on the ICU campus, training camps outside, and participation in the Northeast Asia Christian … Read more

Director’s Report: Remembering Bumrung Khayotha – A Farmer, Leader, and ARI Legend

Director’s Report: At the end of June, ARI Thai Graduate Bumrung Khayotha passed away at the age of 73 years old. He is a graduate of 1989 and known as a legend. “He was a farmer in northeastern Thailand and led a nationwide peasants’ movement as a brilliant leader. Although some people asked him to become a member of the National Assembly, in the 2000s, he stayed in his hometown, where he had land, a house, and a family. While farming, he was pushed by the local people to serve … Read more

Director’s Report: Young Anglicans from Five Countries Join Leadership Training at ARI

Director’s Report: A program for young Anglican church future leaders around the world, sponsored by the USPG of Anglican Communion is being held in collaboration with the Asian Rural Institute. (7/3~7/20) Young Anglicans in their 20s from the UK, Brazil, Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea and Japan are taking part in leadership training at ARI.

Director’s Report: ICU Study Camp Finally Held After COVID Delay

Director’s Report: A study camp for ICU students that had been planned before the COVID 19 disaster is finally being held during July 2-6. Last year, some of the ICU participants were infected by COVID 19 during the camp, and it was cancelled in the middle of the camp. This year we welcomed 14 students! They are all women and wonderful students!

Acknowledging Former Director Rev. Ueda’s Recent Passing

Bishop Rev. Jintaro Ueda, who served as ARI’s director from 1994 to 2000 and board member from 1994 to 2008, passed away on Monday, April 8, 2024. He was 83 years old. Current director Tomoko Arakawa reflects on her memories of Rev. Ueda: “He was my first director when I joined ARI as a staff member. He had a great deal of international experience, spoke fluent English, and was very knowledgeable about the church situation in Asia and Africa. He also loved music and played the piano very well. He … Read more

Director’s Report: “Listen to Ms. Shinko Takami” event

Director’s Report: “Listen to Ms. Shinko Takami” event, 13:00-15:00. Shinko Takami (wife of Rev. Takami, ARI founder) spoke at an online event organized by Zenkoku Tomono Kai. She spoke about her life with Takami and ARI. Live online from ARI’s Oikos Chapel. About 280 people participated online! It was a very interesting talk!

ARI Christmas Donation Campaign