Participant Introduction – Meidinlung

“It is necessary to build a self-reliant community and self-sustainable farm produce to commercial practices. Thus, a valuable and committed service is needed for our community to build a sustainable and independent community”. Gangmei Meidinlung’s community is called Zeliangrong, which is a mix of 4 tribes, namely Zemei, Liangmei, Inpuimei, and Rongmei. Their modes of livelihood are agriculture, horticulture, and other farming activities. The main strength of the community is unity. However, one challenge is that their community is not self-sustaining and largely depends on imported products. Through ARI, Gangmei … Read more

Western Japan Study Tour 2023 (Part 1)

We are midway through the final study tour for our Participants this year – The Western Japan Study Tour – where Participants embark on a twelve-day long trip to visit several places across 7 different prefectures. Through this tour, Participants learn about various issues related to development in Japan, from the possible impacts of development projects on trees in nearby campuses to social welfare projects that seek to help the elderly. 1: Machida First stop was Noden (Theological Seminary of Rural Studies) at Machida where we heard from the current … Read more

Participant Introduction – Ben (Cameroon)

“Coming from a poor background, I understand what it means to be needy and not have the means to make ends meet. What motivates me more to work for the service of my community is the desire to change the mindsets and improve the livelihoods of my community members.” Veranso Benjamen Litika is a field worker from Cameroon. His community is in the Northwest Region of Cameroon and consists mainly of farmers who practice crop production or livestock rearing as their livelihood. In 2015 he joined the Rural Transformation Center. … Read more

Participant Introduction – Joselin (Ecuador)

“A good leader always motivates the group by investing time in the growth of others, has the communication ability to delegate tasks and give constructive criticism, all this with respect both in the physical aspect, thoughts and actions of the person.” Joselin Carolina Coyago Tallana resides near Cayambe, Ecuador, and works with rural communities. Dairy cattle and green onions are the primary sources of income. Unfortunately, due to the emphasis on rose exports, crop production has declined, and low pay and limited educational opportunities remain prevalent issues.  While her region … Read more

ARI at ECHO Community Florida!

ARI staff traveled to Ft Myers, Florida to attend the ECHO International Agriculture Conference. We spoke with like-minded rural development experts from around the world, and hosted our own workshop on Participatory Learning and Action (PLA). We had a great time and hope to see you at a future conference, whether in Florida, Chiang Mai, or elsewhere!

Participant Introduction -Claris (Cameroon)

“Coming from a typical agricultural community characterized by poverty, single motherhood, and gender discrimination and having been raised by a single mum, I noticed and went through many challenges and problems with the worst cases faced by women. This alone motivated me to undertake a course in development studies, so I could contribute through my voice and action to breaching this gap in my community.” Claris is a Field Monitor who provides administrative support. Her primary responsibilities include the preparation of financial requests for the organization. In addition, she also … Read more

ARI and AFARI visit Thailand!

In October 2023, ARI and AFARI staff joined the ECHO Asia Agriculture & Community Development Conference 2023 in Thailand, where they met with nine ARI graduates as part of an AFARI-organized graduates’ regional convening. They enjoyed four days of sharing ideas and technologies for small-scale farming, and saw many practical farming demonstrations at the ECHO Asia Seed Bank & Small Farm Resource Center. ARI is thankful for the opportunity to participate in this conference, and for AFARI for sponsoring ARI graduates’ registrations, lodgings, and food costs. We look forward to … Read more

Meat Processing at ARI: Part 2

Mr. Hideo Koide from Neu Frank in Nasu returned shortly after the first class to continue teaching us how to process meat and produce bacon, jerky, tea ham (chashu), and meatloaf. On a sunny afternoon, Participants quickly assembled in the kitchen, eager for the lesson of the day. Mr. Koide started explaining the processing for each item, bowls of seasoning and ingredients laid out before him. Participants immediately got to task and worked hand in hand to prepare jerky and tea ham: chopping up garlic and onion, mixing various ingredients … Read more

AFARI visits ARI!

Late last month, the executive director of American Friends of Asian Rural Institute (AFARI) Sherry DeLeon flew in to visit the ARI campus. She not only prepared several classes for Participants on the topic of Fundraising, but provided consultations for all interested community members on grant proposal writing and the like. She thoroughly enjoyed the ARI life and meeting Participants, volunteers and staff members from all walks of life. We want to take the opportunity to express our thanks to Sherry and AFARI for continuing to invest in the mission … Read more