Seven days have passed!! commemorative crowdfunding campaigns are underway!
Donations to this project are eligible for a 50% match as part of the September 2023 Little by Little campaign! until September 22, 2023, at 23:59:59 EDT
Donations to this project are eligible for a 50% match as part of the September 2023 Little by Little campaign! until September 22, 2023, at 23:59:59 EDT
During September 18~22, Global Giving will match 50% of donations to ARI
13:00-13:45 50th Anniversary Worship Service
14:00-15:45 50th Anniversary Commemorial Service
13:00-13:45 50th Anniversary Worship Service Preach:Rev Robert Witmer, UC Canada (Former Director of Theological Seminary for Rural Mission) 14:00-15:45 50th Anniversary Commemorial Service Keynote Speech:Ardhendu Chatterjee
13:00-13:45 50th Anniversary Worship Service Preach:Rev Robert Witmer, UC Canada (Former Director of Theological Seminary for Rural Mission) 14:00-15:45 50th Anniversary Commemorial Service Keynote Speech:Ardhendu Chatterjee
13:00-13:45 50th Anniversary Worship Service
Preach:Rev Robert Witmer, UC Canada (Former Director of Theological Seminary for Rural Mission)
14:00-15:45 50th Anniversary Commemorial Service
Keynote Speech:Ardhendu Chatterjee
Online Streaming
Date: Saturday, September 16, 12:45 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.
URL: ARI’s 50th anniversary website
Date & Time:September 16th (Sat) 12:45AM~3:45PM
・Where can you watch:ARI 50th Anniversary website
As part of the 50th anniversary, ARI staff began preparing the 2 hectares of forested land to integrate them with the rest of the campus, including the farm and livestock areas. Wellesley College intern Madeleine Speagle interviewed two forest management staff members, Assistant Director Osamu Arakawa and General Affairs staffer Raku Izawa. Raku also guided a tour of the forest paths and landscape. These interviews were summarized in an article for Take My Hand, but we’ve provided the interviews here for your interest. The interviews have been edited for brevity … Read more
Date: Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.