
Participant Introduction-Tekhewe (India)

2024 participant (India)

“The people here are sociable, to help others is in their blood. People in my community are hard working and for them time and days are very precious.“ 

Tekhewe Khutsoh comes from Zapami Village, which is a small village set in a rural area in Nagaland, India. In his village he serves the people as a Pastor who prays and works on a rice field and persimmon field, as well as he works in the livestock with the pigs. Relationship with his community and his workplace is one of the most important things he values in his work and personal life, because he wants to know and communicate with the people individually so that his ministry will succeed. 

One of the major problems in his community are border disputes, which creates conflicts among the people. Skills Tekhewe hopes to learn during his ARI program include how to cultivate without harming the soil and how to manage animal farms in a large stock. He also wants to be educated in different topics to be able to teach and educate his community new ways and techniques. 

One of his goals, when Tehekwe returns to his community, is to manage a bigger farm, cultivating vegetables without harming the soil and teaching his community self-reliance.

Sending Body:

Zapami Baptist Church is one of many Baptist Churches in Phek area in Nagaland. They were founded in 1958 and their main programs are for the youth, the environment and social welfare. Farming is also one of their biggest activities. In one project, they worked to help farmers to build a cardamon farm from 2015 till 2022. Zapami Village is the main location of their target group. Zapami Baptist Church hopes that when Tekhewe returns to  them, that he can lead workshops, and take the role as a community development facilitator, as well as a farming educator.