
Participant Introduction-Dipa (Indonesia)

2024 participant (Indonesia)

“My community is a peasant community that is engaged in fighting for the rights of farmers, not only their rights are fought for, but also fighting for the rights of the community of communities who share the same fate and struggle”

In Kadek’s community are former East Timorese transmigrants who were forcibly repatriated from the transmigration program in 1999, because the original East Timorese declared to leave Indonesia and changed its name to East Timor, before being forcibly repatriated from East Timor. In addition, migration to Bali is a major challenge because it also leads to space management.  The daily life of his community is farming and doing mutual cooperation work. Kadek’s primary work is to visit peasants for discussion and participatory mapping.

He feels that true agrarian reform is the best solution for the community and government policies that favor the community at the site level. In ARI he wants to learn to have a leadership spirit to organize people and community, as well as organic agriculture to convert pesticide-based agriculture.

After Kadek returns to Indonesia he will continue to fight by maintaining the principles and values of the agrarian reform struggle, and siding with the oppressed such as peasants and other small communities. 

Sending Body:

The Consortium for Agrarian Reform (KPA) is built to fight for the realization of a fair agrarian system, and guarantee the balanced spread of agrarian resources for the Indonesian people; guarantee of ownership, mastery and the usage of agrarian sources for the peasant, angler and indigenous people; and also the guarantee of prosperity for the poor people. Their main activities are to educate the local people on sustainable agriculture, sponsor legal aid and social welfare groups, and organizing advocacy groups. When Kadek comes back his role will be, to strengthen the organization and to transform his knowledge, experience, and innovations gained during his studies.