
Participant Introduction- Pa Maung(Myanmar)

“My village is in northeast Chin State, in Myanmar… my community’s livelihood is from shifting [slash-and-burn] cultivation in upland. Our strengths are that we are hardworking and help each other. Challenges are poverty, poor health, unemployment, and illiteracy.” Pa Maung’s description of his community is like many stories of village life in Myanmar or many countries – one struggling to make a living from the soil. As a pastor and farmer, Pa Maung understands the problems of his area. Since 2016 he has worked full- time for the CARD as … Read more

Participant Introduction – Gu Tar(Myanmar)

“Trust is earned by regularly responding to the community’s needs.” Gu Tar Hu is a Baptist minister and the director of development in the Waing Maw Lisu Baptist Association, which serves the predominantly agricultural and ethnic Lisu community in Kachin State, northern Myanmar. Alongside his religious responsibilities, Gu Tar has led emergency response programs to support those affected by Covid-19 and internal displacement. Amidst the various challenges that the farmers of Ding Jang Yong Village confront, the lack of cohesive leadership within the community exacerbates conflicts, as an absence of organizational … Read more

Participant Introduction – Fung (Myanmar)

“A good leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. They are kind in their actions, merciful in their decisions, and patient in their approach, always striving to uplift and empower those around them.” – as this quote inspired Fung, and he hopes to be of inspiration at ARI. Fung’s community comprises mostly ordinary farmers who use shifting cultivation and slash-and-burn farming as their primary means of livelihood. Most people in the community are illiterate, with only a few educated individuals. Fung has experience … Read more

Participant Introduction – Mary (Liberia)

“My community has one public school, which is overcrowded. Children walk several hours to get to school. Even though the community hosts the hydroelectric power plant and the water treatment plant for the Monrovia metropolitan area, the community does not have purified water nor electricity services.” Mary is all too familiar with these problems in the White Plains community that survives by subsistence farming. As field supervisor at UMRADP farm, she is responsible for planning and supervising all field activities. Rural and semi-rural communities across Liberia are primarily uneducated and … Read more

Participant Introduction – Heley (Liberia)

“What motivates me is my experience with the present situation in our country. Unless we work to become self-supporting, it is practically impossible for us to gain selfhood. This is why I deem it necessary to work with rural community members to produce their food and eat the food they grow.” Helena Koko Ben is a project manager at the Voinjama Free Pentecostal Health Center. Her community is ready to help in times of difficulty. They are open-minded and show respect no matter which culture, religious, economic, political, social, or … Read more

Participant Introduction – Dee(Liberia)

“I grew up in rural communities and understand the diverse daily problems. I want to give back to my community what I have learned. Build a system where other young people can see and follow suit and change dependency syndrome’s mentality to self-realization.” Darkpon Dolokelen (Dee) is a teacher and farmer from Liberia. His community has approximately 5 stick and 56 dirt brick houses. Many people in his community use agriculture as their primary source of living while others engage in small business. His responsibilities at work are teaching theory and … Read more