Participant Introduction – Mithun(Bangladesh)

“Observing their struggle up close has strengthened my resolve to see the joyous smiles of those in need and a society free from poverty.” Kaligram village hosts Hindus and Christians that farm and live together harmoniously. Dependent on farming and fishing, all ages and genders work together to make the most of what they have. Family and spirituality are essential. The people seek knowledge of sustainable farming practices to improve food security for future generations.  Mithun’s profession entails conceiving and executing agricultural work plans, plus training village farmers to improve … Read more

Participant Introduction – Pierre

“An effective leader is one who not only possesses the ability to lead but also understands and responds to the needs of the community, all while maintaining a humble and unobtrusive presence.”  Pierre is a resident of the mountainous Hinche region in Haiti. He recognizes the importance of effective communication and respect for others as fundamental qualities. Despite the challenging circumstances in his community, which relies heavily on rainfall for livelihoods, residents engage in sugarcane syrup production, vegetable cultivation, and livestock rearing activities. Despite differences in religious beliefs, Pierre demonstrates … Read more

Participant Introduction – Meidinlung

“It is necessary to build a self-reliant community and self-sustainable farm produce to commercial practices. Thus, a valuable and committed service is needed for our community to build a sustainable and independent community”. Gangmei Meidinlung’s community is called Zeliangrong, which is a mix of 4 tribes, namely Zemei, Liangmei, Inpuimei, and Rongmei. Their modes of livelihood are agriculture, horticulture, and other farming activities. The main strength of the community is unity. However, one challenge is that their community is not self-sustaining and largely depends on imported products. Through ARI, Gangmei … Read more