
A Meaningful Journey: Western Japan Study Tour Day 5/6 at Osaka YMCA

The Western Japan Study Tour continues! On day 5, we visited Osaka YMCA for a field trip and divided into three groups.

The Kamagasaki group focused on the issue of homelessness. Each year, participants find it challenging to fully grasp the complexity of this issue, often comparing it to their own countries. However, they gained a better understanding by comparing Kamagasaki’s situation to other parts of Japan, which highlighted why it remains a significant problem.

Another group explored Korean Town to learn about discrimination issues. They were shocked to discover that Koreans in Japan continue to face systemic denial of their identity and human rights. For example, Korean schools do not receive government subsidies and were even excluded from receiving masks distributed to all schools during COVID-19. Many Osaka YMCA volunteers admitted that, despite living in Osaka, it was their first time learning about these challenges.

The Okinawa Bunko group reflected on the deep wisdom shared by their lecturer. One participant noted the profound statement, “The reason for war is because people want to keep peace,” emphasizing the need for a more inclusive understanding of who desires peace.

In the evening, participants stayed with their host families, offering a chance for personal connection and reflection.

The next day, participants spent the day enjoying free time with their host families. In the morning, one participant shared his testimony at Abeno Church, while another spoke at Kibougaoka Church. In the afternoon, we bid farewell to Osaka YMCA and our host families in a short but emotional goodbye. Many participants and families were moved to tears, cherishing the time they had spent together.

Later, an ARI staff member joined us safely, bringing cookies and heartfelt messages from ARI. The participants were thrilled to receive them! We all boarded the ferry in high spirits and are now en route to Moji.