
Participant Introduction-Riecoad (Myanmar)

2024 participant (Myanmar)

“I value people’s perspective and voice in my community. We can learn together from our mistakes and we can go through life together if we have good teamwork.”

Soe Eh Doh Saw comes from Ye lel village in Kayaukkyi Township of Myanmar. His community values trust, traditional ways, and helping one another across ethnic and religious boundaries. His parents were government staff who also farmed.  He works as a social servant guiding his community on sustainable development. Soe’s strengths are to create trust for his community and to find services to help community members improve their farming systems. 

Since 2021, Myanmar has faced political conflict with many challenges. Soe noticed those challenges, like governmental travel restrictions, thus he was unable to travel outside of his immediate area despite many challenges in other regions of his sending body. 

When Soe completes his training at ARI, he plans to return to Myanmar, where he will bring back skills in many different things, like in leadership, organic farming, and Japanese ingenuity, to apply to his Karen community. 

Sending Body:Shwe Gyin Karen Baptist Association ​​is one of many within the Karen Baptist Churches.  Shwe Gyin is committed to strive for the oneness of the Karen Baptist Churches, and working together in church planting, holistic development of the church leaders and church members, spiritually and physically which will lead to the fullness of life with dignity through worship, fellowship and meeting, training, publishing of literature and co-operation with churches and organizations, inside and outside the country.