
Participant Introduction – Ray(Nigeria)

“Living in an environment where hunger, insecurity, and illiteracy is common has touched my heart to try to respond to our needs. It all started when I visited a family who didn’t have something to eat for lunch. I then began to think of the way forward.”

Ray lives and works in a community based on religion and tribal line. The strength of her community is that the people are hard-working and highly religious, with a considerable level of people with Western education. Some of the challenges are religious intolerance, insecurity, and kidnapping activities. 

Her major responsibilities at work are to monitor the distribution of food items to women and orphans, buy toiletries for girls, organize advocacy sessions to educate families about the importance of girls’ education and liaise with experts to train women on the use of farming implements.

She wanted to come to ARI because of her community’s urgent need for food, which requires credible leaders with more practical skills. New skills will help to improve their farming skills to improve the livelihoods of their people. Moreover, she wants to learn about peace and conflict resolution.

Sending Organization          

Catholic Church Woman Fellowship Group aims to empower and support women. It also wants to support the youth through empowerment programs. One of its projects is the “Widows and Orphans Project.” The goal is to buy toiletries for girls and provide food for widows and orphans. Another project is the “Women of Zarmaganda in Agriculture” project. The project aims to promote education, provide financial support, and eliminate hunger.