“It is necessary to build a self-reliant community and self-sustainable farm produce to commercial practices. Thus, a valuable and committed service is needed for our community to build a sustainable and independent community”.
Gangmei Meidinlung’s community is called Zeliangrong, which is a mix of 4 tribes, namely Zemei, Liangmei, Inpuimei, and Rongmei. Their modes of livelihood are agriculture, horticulture, and other farming activities. The main strength of the community is unity. However, one challenge is that their community is not self-sustaining and largely depends on imported products.
Through ARI, Gangmei wants to follow the ARI mission and learn to build a healthy and peaceful world through devotion to Jesus Christ. He also wants to learn more innovative ideas and how to bring together traditional and modern methods.
Moreover, he wants to learn more about food processing and capacity building because serving the community for betterment is a passion he has developed since college.
Sending Organization
Indigenous Women and Children Foundation (IWCF) is a not-for-profit, non-political, secular, non-governmental, and independent organization. Its vision is to create a just human society where all children, women, and men enjoy all human rights in every sphere.Their mission is to promote, protect and recognize the inherence rights of Indigenous people.