
ARI changes its identity domain to

In honor of our 50th anniversary this year, ARI has changed its domain name from to

In honor of our 50th anniversary this year, ARI has changed its domain name from to

After the switch to our new website URL, staff email address are going to be changed in the coming weeks. In the meantime, you will have no problem to continue our current and old e-mail addresses (… as before.
Access to will be automatically forwarded to

The old domain, which has been in use for nearly 20 years since 2004, unintentionally showed an identity that reflected the thoughts of ARI’s founders, including Rev. Toshihiro Takami, who pioneered the era of NGOs in Japan in the 1970s.
“.org” represented grassroots, NGO-like activities; “ari-edu” expressed ARI’s educational perspective.

In 2023, starting with the kick-off event on February 16, we will celebrate our 50th anniversary. We will share with you the questions that are needed in today’s world under the theme of “Learning together for the rural future.”

As our new identity domain clearly positions ARI as an higher educational institution in Japan, as a place of learning for rural leaders, and as a school located in Japan with responsibility for peace, we will share questions to realize peace in the world and peace from the soil.

We hope you will understand the purpose of the change and access our school website at

As for email, we are preparing new, more user-centered accounts.
Please note that when our staff members contact you, they will start using the new accounts.