
ARI Life Under COVID-19

April 23rd, 2021 (Friday) 7:30pm

The new school year has arrived with restrictions on the entry of new overseas students due to COVID 19. What is the situation for schools with large numbers of international students and those with international programs? Our director, joined by guests from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, University of the Sacred Heart, will together discuss and share the challenges and prospects of a new term without international students.

Join our free webinar on Zoom to take part in the talk and discussion.
(This webinar will be in Japanese only.)


Yoshiyuki Nagata (Professor, Department of Education University of the Sacred Heart, ARI Board Councillor)

Takeshi Murakami (Director, General Manager, Office of the President, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, 1986 ARI Graduate)

Tomoko Arakawa (Director, Asian Rural Institute)

Yukiko Oyanagi, Manosi Abe Chatterjee

Zoom Link

