
Director’s Report: October Highlights – ARI Director’s Talks on Servant Leadership and Peace

Director’s Report:
In October, in addition to ARI’s biggest event, Harvest Thanksgiving Celebration (HTC), many special lecturers came to our campus to give classes.
During the hectic schedule, I was fortunate to travel to give lectures in many places; I went to Keiwa Gakuen University in Niigata Pref., Aoyama Gakuin University (Sagamihara Campus), and Yamanashi Eiwa University in Yamanashi Prefecture. I also gave an online class to the 2nd year students of Keisen Women’s College in Tokyo. The themes were “Servant Leadership” and “Peace from the Soil”. Tomorrow, I will talk about “Building a society that we all can live together” at the Kaminokawa Town Lifelong Learning Center in the central Tochigi prefecture. Next month, I will be going to Kinjo Gakuin University in Nagoya City (Photo: with President Dr. Aiko Kanayama (right) and Dr. Rev. Jiro Shimotao (left)).