“A good leader has a sacrificial life – justice and strong determination.”
Lwa Le Mu is a hardworking and trustworthy leader, not only in the church committee, but also in the community as a whole, having invested his time, knowledge, and strength for the betterment of the local people. He is kind, patient, and honest, even if he can be shy.
The majority of Le Mu’s community consists of peasants and day laborers, who rely on agriculture while lacking technical skills to improve their harvest. The majority of people are farming peasants and day laborers. While the people are hard-working and honest, favoritism amongst local leaders is an issue, creating disunity in the community. By living a practical way of life, Le Mu has earned the trust of locals even when they originate from different tribes. Le Mu was fortunate to spend a brief period in Norway studying theology; afterwards, he returned to Myanmar to serve his community in ministry and development.
Le Mu comes to ARI to improve his skills in connecting with people and building community ties as a servant leader, as well as learning methods of building organic agricultural systems which can last long periods of time. When he returns to Myanmar, he will return to Lay Shee Baptist Churches, implementing social development programs and improving Christian education.
Sending Body:
Lay Shee Baptist Churches Committee is one of many Baptist Churches in the Naga region of western Myanmar, overseeing many local churches in the most mountainous areas. Not simply spiritual well-being, the committee also implements social and financial development. One project for many years was an orange grove, which was stopped due to impacts of climate change on the produce. Le Mu will advise projects like these when he returns from ARI, ensuring their long-term sustainability.