“Ultimately, I aim to make a meaningful impact by implementing innovative solutions and fostering positive change.”
Jonas Pombili Ndeuludila works at NaDEET as an Operations Manager in the office, Centre workshop, and garden. Because Jonah is also the head of the technical Team at his Sending Body, he has gained skills in carpentry, roofing, and plumbing. He offers his technical knowledge to his community whenever an issue arises.
In his home community, people value their natural environment and the preservation of their natural resources. They monitor water usage and recycling systems including food waste. Collaboration is key to his community’s success, including through finding ethical solutions for sustainable development. The problems remain when it comes to the implementation of these solutions within the community. The challenges of climate change put the lives of these communities at risk.
In ARI Jonah would like to learn about sustainable farming methods, including comp management, organic farming, soil conservation, etc. He is also interested in enhancing his leadership skills and anticipates developing strong intercultural communication skills, empathy, and a global perspective. When he returns to his community, Jonah wants to reduce his organization’s carbon footprint, starting by building a garden that can supply locally produced, organic, and healthier vegetables.
Sending Body:
Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust (NaDEET) is a National NGO that tries to help all Namibians regardless of income with a focus on schoolchildren, youth, and multipliers. Since 2019 NaDEET has been working on a sustainable garden project for the NaDEET Centre participants, but due in part to natural disasters such as sandstorms and insect invasions, sustainably managing it has been a struggle. Jonah will manage this garden after he returns from ARI, making it into a fully self-sustaining food supply and educational hub.