“I developed the desire to work as farm aid in some of LICPMAP vegetable projects. LICPMAP has brought significant change in my life which I am able to care for my basic needs and my family. I am an innovator and like to experiment new ideas. My strength is my desire to be motivated after I have failed.”
Johnson Harris’ community is a mixture of ethnic groups with different beliefs and culture. His hometown of Barnersville is an urban community with scarcity of land. Farmers are a minority in the general population, and also generally poor. Most farmers do mixed cropping due to land scarcity, and engage in second jobs to raise income. Children walk long distances to join their parents on the farm after school. Family ties are of great value to Johnson’s community. They cherish their local traditions and believe in preserving their land for future generations.
Johnson and his colleagues strive to work with people regardless of their tribe or religion. For example, people of various tribes work on different projects and share knowledge with each other from both the vegetable and animal raising programs. Under training with LICPMAP, Johnson Korvah Harris has gained skills in agriculture, animal raising, and bee keeping. Today, Johnson has set up his own farm plot, and acquired a plot of land to start a small livestock business.
At ARI, Johnson aims to become a good leader and a better farmer. He wishes to share the knowledge gained with his community and organization, and importantly to motivate people to become actively engaged in agriculture.
Sending Body:
Liberia Integrated Crop & Pest Management Agricultural Program (LICMAP) is based in Klay, Bomi County, Liberia. It trains rural farmers in organic farming techniques, explores alternative farming methods to produce healthy and safe food and empowers local farmers through agricultural activities. In Klay township, the people engage in traditional methods of farming such as bush fallowing—shifting cultivation.