“The relationship established between me and the people I work with within an organization or community is the key to institutional growth and must be held in high esteem.”
William Fallah Farmah is an Agricultural Technician from northern Liberia. Fallah values his time and his colleagues, and is passionate about learning. His local leaders value servant leadership, as they empower service and inspiration, Fallah’s examples of good leadership. At PMU-Liberia, Fallah works to improve the living conditions of the farmers through practical training courses. He has mobilized a farmers’ group to help work on these conditions.
His local community consists mainly of farmers who lack stable incomes, so they are unable to miss even a day of work. His people struggle with land tenure issues, and with effective time management. However, they are hardworking and passionate about their livelihoods, working to protect their fertile land and stable, healthy sources of water. While many are Christian, traditional religions also remain and these people work together.
While studying at ARI, William wants to learn about effective composting techniques, how to formulate proper animal feed, raising poultry for income generation, and milk and egg production. When he returns home, Fallah wants to transfer his knowledge acquired in ARI to the Farmers. In addition, he hopes to expand PMU-Liberia’s network of training courses to reach new villages and regions.
Sending Body:
Pentecostal Mission Unlimited (PMU-Liberia) is a National faith-based NGO founded in 2001. Their mission is to deliver health, education, agriculture, and advocacy among the people in rural Liberia to empower them and enable their sustainable development projects. They primarily work in Lofa county but extend some of their programs into nearby rural Montserrado. When William comes back he will be the Agriculture Department Team Leader, where he will train other people to become trainers.