“A good leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. They are kind in their actions, merciful in their decisions, and patient in their approach, always striving to uplift and empower those around them.”
– as this quote inspired Fung, and he hopes to be of inspiration at ARI.
Fung’s community comprises mostly ordinary farmers who use shifting cultivation and slash-and-burn farming as their primary means of livelihood. Most people in the community are illiterate, with only a few educated individuals.
Fung has experience in agriculture, specifically in raising damson, producing elephant yam, and petai beans. The project produced fruit with better yield, taste, and growth rate than traditional methods. However, the only market for the fruit is local wine sellers, so they are also trying to pickle their products. Fung also helped build a water supply system with a well and pipeline serving 400 households.
He is well-liked and trusted in his community. In addition to his agricultural work, he divides his time between community work and church ministry.
Fung is interested in learning about seed preservation, agricultural methods, and management. He believes that as he enters a “new and progressive world,” he must use the experience and knowledge gained at ARI to benefit his community, as he sees it as God’s plan.
Sending Organization
For seven years, Naga Public Organization has worked in the Naga Self- Administered Zone in northwestern Myanmar to unite the many Naga tribes and sub- clans and improve their education, economy, and health. NPO secured the right to possess up to 50 acres of vacant, fallow land so that communities could grow market crops in addition to family food. NPO wishes for Fung to return with fresh ideas that nourish the steady progress in Myanmar.