Support & Partnership
fulfilling our mission together
Connect with
Outstanding People
Learning Experiences
Care for Planet and Community
ARI is all about community and we invite you to join our mission of building a sustainable and peaceful planet. By becoming an ARI Supporter you and us can fulfill this mission together.
Thousands of supporters and many organizations around the globe who believe in our mission have already contributed to ARI.
Exchanging trust and resources, we all benefit from a lasting partnership as we build an extended Community of Learning and worldwide family.
ARI does not receive government funding. We rely on our network of supporters, fans, and partners to deliver quality education and continue to build empowered rural communities.
What You Can Do
Your money, time, and talent help fulfill our mission and contributes to lives around the world!
Directly support a Rural Leader’s training by giving towards their tuition and/or airfare.
Send necessary items, equipment, vehicles, or travel miles—we’ll make good use of them!
Donate to ARI
Support ARI with your donation to help us fulfill our mission!
ARI’s day to day operations are largely financed by general donations. Individual donors and various organizations contribute with small and large amounts.

Donate from Japan
You can give once or set up a regular donation. Credit card and bank transfer options are available.

Donate from Overseas
You can donate from overseas through our partner organizations. Credit card and check options are available.
Sponsor a Rural Leader
You can support the participation of a rural leader in our Training Program. No matter if you contribute a part or a full scholarship, your gift enables Rural Leaders to receive quality education for their communities.

Sponsor a Rural Leaders' Trip or Study
Most of the sending bodies who send a participant to our Rural Leaders Training Program are grassroots organizations from the Global South. They seldom can afford the full airfare and tuition. However, you can sponsor them!

Toshihiro Takami Scholarship Fund
You can make a designated donation to the Toshihiro Takami Scholarship Fund or establish a named scholarship fund in honor or memory of a beloved one.
Your gift is a lasting legacy that will provide a scholarship, even multiple scholarships, for Rural Leaders.
Send In-Kind Gifts
Goods and services gifted to ARI are used by the community as well as for sales with the consent of the donors. The proceeds help cover the training fees of Rural Leaders.
Volunteer at ARI
Volunteers help the ARI staff in their daily work: on the farm, in the kitchen, and in the office. They become crucial members and contributors of ARI’s Community of Learning

Long-Term Volunteers (2-12 months)
Up to a dozen long-term volunteers live and work on our campus. All age groups and nationalities are welcome!

Commuting Volunteers
Commuting volunteers visit the campus regularly. They contribute their rich work experience and enjoy our international community.
We partner with a wide range of schools and farmers, as well as civil and faith-based organizations who share our values. We support each other through meaningful exchange, education, and fellowship.
Contact us to find out how we can join forces!

Educational Partners
ARI partners with schools and colleges in Japan and beyond for unique mutual learning experiences.

Faith Organizations
Our broad network of Christian partners and other faith organizations grows with meaningful collaborations.