
Participant Introduction -Claris (Cameroon)

“Coming from a typical agricultural community characterized by poverty, single motherhood, and gender discrimination and having been raised by a single mum, I noticed and went through many challenges and problems with the worst cases faced by women. This alone motivated me to undertake a course in development studies, so I could contribute through my voice and action to breaching this gap in my community.”

Claris is a Field Monitor who provides administrative support. Her primary responsibilities include the preparation of financial requests for the organization. In addition, she also represents the organization in meetings and works at the organization’s farm. She lives and works in an environment inhabited by youth who are mostly jobless, university graduates. Weekly activities include street selling, petty trading, the operation of mobile money kiosks, and farming. In addition, Claris pays attention to people’s likes and dislikes and their perspectives about life issues to gain trust.

At ARI, Claris wants to increase her knowledge in agriculture. Specifically, she hopes to learn more about improved seed varieties, specialized organic techniques, and mushroom spore production. After ARI, she wants to transfer these skills to the women of her community, to improve their self-sufficiency and financial stability.

Sending Organization          

Rural Women Development Center (RUWDEC) is a women and youth-led Non-Governmental Organization which seeks to promote the economic empowerment of women, youth, vulnerable groups, and communities. The work includes gender equality, educating the rural population on basic hygiene for better health, promoting environmental protection, preservation of our natural resources, and enhancing development through capacity building.