“I would like to improve the health systems and agricultural techniques of low-lying rural areas. My definition of “Rural” is an important role and takes place for human beings to survive healthily in the world.”
Saw Hser Moo grew up working on his family farm and is now a teacher and farm manager in the Rev. Dr. R.L. Pokey Theological Bible School. “Serving in His ministry, not only to God’s but also in our human society as a holistic mission, is motivating me to work and to serve my community.” Among other things, Hser always strives for more fellowship with the students and understanding of each other. In addition, he is working to make their teachings more attractive to local churches and rural communities.
Upon his return, Hser wants to develop the livestock and farming department in the bible school. A big motivation for coming to ARI is for Hser to be able “to conduct practical vocational training for students to improve their social life and be able to lead their communities when they come back to their place.”
Sending Organization
Founded in 1971, the Rev. Dr. R.L. Pokey Theological Bible School has their graduates “go back to their place to lead the church community, guide and share their farming,” shares Hser. It provides spiritual education through bible studies. As well as training programs for keeping livestock, including pig and layer chicken, farming with crops and vegetables, and handmade fertilizer workshops. Currently, the school is expanding its development program to provide more education to its community.
When Hser returns from ARI, they hope he can assist in expanding the development program and teach new members of their community.