
Participant Introduction – Yeni(Indonesia)

“For neither did the Son of Man come to be served. He came to serve and to lay down His life to set many free.” (Mark 10:45), as Yeni describes her drive to serve the people.

Yeni and her sending body, HKBP, work in a community of predominantly Christians, but many residents practice a diverse range of spiritual beliefs. Thanks to the support provided by the organization, some of its members engage in organic farming and enjoy a thriving, safe, and healthy environment. The community emphasizes unity and solidarity through regular prayer meetings, shared activities such as dancing and singing, and the warm welcome to new members. 

Yeni is involved in various activities in her community, planning and coordinating them according to everyone’s strengths. As a staff member of the local Gender Justice team, she is working to empower women in her fieldwork, organizing seminars and workshops on relevant issues related to gender and equality.

While at ARI, Yeni hopes to expand her knowledge in organic farming. She wishes to use this knowledge to help the unprivileged children in her community, sustaining them by giving them tools to care for themselves and their respective families. 

Sending Organization          

HKBP founded in the 1930s is now Asia’s largest Christian protestant church. They aim to improve living standards and secure a simple but prosperous life for all church members and beyond. Besides educating the youth, they also offer countless learning possibilities for adults. 

HKBP hopes Yeni will return with a deeper sense of diversity and educate many about organic farming methods.