50th Anniversary Foundation Day! Ceremony live-streaming now! Crowd Funding Started!

13:00-13:45 50th Anniversary Worship Service 14:00-15:45 50th Anniversary Commemorial Service

The 50th Anniversary Ceremony is now being live-streamed.

13:00-13:45 50th Anniversary Worship Service

Preach:Rev Robert Witmer, UC Canada (Former Director of Theological Seminary for Rural Mission)
14:00-15:45 50th Anniversary Commemorial Service
Keynote Speech:Ardhendu Chatterjee (India, 1976 ARI graduate, Founder of  DRCSC), Tomoko Arakawa (Current Director of ARI)

Commemorative crowdfunding has started!

If you would like to support ARI with a small donation and spread the word, we will be collecting donations through the NGO-focused crowdfunding platform GlobalGiving. Funds will be used to support future participants’ travel costs. https://goto.gg/60943.

For those within Japan with Japanese credit cards, the platform ReadyFor is crowdfunding for educational support costs. https://readyfor.jp/projects/ari (Japanese only)

Finally, ARI hosts many commemoritave and collaborative projects on and off campus. If you are interested in collaborating with us, please contact us at pr@ari.ac.jp.

Please use this as one of the means to walk together in the circle of ARI! We look forward to your participation.