
50th Anniversary Foundation Day! Ceremony live-streaming now! Crowd Funding Started!

13:00-13:45 50th Anniversary Worship Service 14:00-15:45 50th Anniversary Commemorial Service

The 50th Anniversary Ceremony is now being live-streamed.

13:00-13:45 50th Anniversary Worship Service

Preach:Rev Robert Witmer, UC Canada (Former Director of Theological Seminary for Rural Mission)
14:00-15:45 50th Anniversary Commemorial Service
Keynote Speech:Ardhendu Chatterjee (India, 1976 ARI graduate, Founder of  DRCSC), Tomoko Arakawa (Current Director of ARI)

Commemorative crowdfunding has started!

If you would like to support ARI with a small donation and spread the word, we will be collecting donations through the NGO-focused crowdfunding platform GlobalGiving. Funds will be used to support future participants’ travel costs.

For those within Japan with Japanese credit cards, the platform ReadyFor is crowdfunding for educational support costs. (Japanese only)

Finally, ARI hosts many commemoritave and collaborative projects on and off campus. If you are interested in collaborating with us, please contact us at [email protected].

Please use this as one of the means to walk together in the circle of ARI! We look forward to your participation.