
Open campus in 2022

January 29th (Sat) February 19th (Sat)

\\ Open campus in winter //

Please join us!

▼ January 29th (Sat) Online <2pm to 4pm>

Participation fee: Free

“Vote with your Fork” (trial lesson)

This is the first online open campus of ARI. “Our choices can change current food systems. “We will take up “Vote with your Fork” proposed by Michael Pollan in 2006 and give a hands-on lesson in English. Let’s think about “To connect with food” together. You can also learn more about ARI’s activities to build a just and peaceful world.

▼ February 19th (Sat) Day Trip Open Campus<11am to 3pm>

Participation fee: 1000 yen

A full day trip open campus with an organic lunch, ARI campus tour and individual consultations. If you wish to be a participant, we also offer hands-on lessons.

Application: Please access from the QR code or the URL below and apply using the application form.
