Donate to ARI

Donate to ARI

We invite you to become part of our mission: to build an environmentally healthy, just and peaceful world.

ARI does not receive government funding. Half of our yearly revenue depends on general donations to ARI itself.

Every donation, big or small, helps us to continue our programs, impacting lives and changing the world for the better one step after another.

Would you like to join in helping us to take the next step? 

Give by Credit Card

We welcome donations from anywhere in the world!

However, please use a credit card which can allow international transactions.

Please note that your donation will be processed in Japanese Yen.


Fulfilling our mission together

Your donation is part of "building a environmentally healthy, just, and peaceful world."

Become an official ARI Supporter

Official supporters receive our newsletters, get invited to special events and visit ARI at discounted fees.

For more information, please contact ARI:

ARI has tokutei kôeki hôjin status making donations of more than JPY 10,000 within Japan tax-deductible.

Other Ways to Donate from Japan


You can send money to our Ashikaga Bank account.

Ashikaga Ginkô
Nishinasuno branch
(足利銀行 西那須野支店)

Account Nr (Futsû-Yokin 普通預金):

Account Name:
Gakko Hojin Ajia Gakuin

Post Bank

You can send money from your Post Bank (Yûcho Ginkô) account to ours without transaction fee.

Sign/Kigô Nr:

Account Nr: 

Account Name:
Gakko Hojin Ajia Gakuin


You can send money through the post office. Please write your name, address, and telephone number in Japan.

Account Nr:

Account Name:
Gakko Hojin Ajia Gakuin

Donations from Other Countries



Canadian citizens can make tax-deductible donation to the United Church of Canada to support ARI. Cheques payable to the United Church of Canada should be sent to:

United Church of Canada, Partners in Mission Unit
3250 Bloor St. W.
Etobicoke, ON M8X 2Y4
Attn: Pat Elson

(Please designate “ARI” on the cheque)

United States

Credit card & check

US citizens can make a tax-deductible contribution to American Friends of ARI (AFARI). AFARI is a 501(c)(3) dedicated to the support of ARI and its graduates around the world.

For more information, please see our page for US-based donors, or visit the AFARI website.

General donations keep ARI running

We use general donations to finance our school’s operating costs: personnel, administration, educational activities, and research.

In 2018, total operating expenses were over USD 1,550,000 (JPY 175m)

Personnel expenses
$ 700,000
Administration expenses
$ 600,000
Education & research expenses
$ 250,000

General donations make up half of ARI’s revenue

General donations made up 48% of ARI’s total revenue in 2018. The rest of income was generated  by sales and services (21%) and through scholarships and training fees specifically aimed to support the Rural Leaders Training Program (RLTP, 20%).  

Total operating revenue was over USD 1,200,000 (JPY 134m)

Sources of Income

General donations towards ARI
Sales and services
Donations towards the RLTP

Breakdown of General Donations

Donations from Japan
$ 260,000
Donations from overseas
$ 124,000
Special donations
$ 126,000
$ 92,000