In two newspaper articles published on Monday, September 25, Director, Tomoko Arakawa, spoke about ARI’s goal of peace.
Our unwavering mission is to continue our spirit of sharing – both food and life with all who come to ARI. Peace at ARI is best experienced through this perspective of placing importance in “eating” and “living”. The seeds of ARI’s peace are planted and shared by “servant leaders” (leaders who serve) who practice “equality” and “deep listening” which we hope will take root in rural communities around the world.
Raimei Sho, an editorial in the Shimotsuke Shimbun on September 26 (Tue.), introduced the founder, Toshihiro Takami, as an “indomitable fighter” whose passion has been passed on to the graduates and staff of the institute.
To share about this continued passion to reach out to rural communities, ARI staff, Kai Shinoda will also be interviewed about the 50th anniversary and crowdfunding efforts on the JFN radio program “OH! HAPPY MORNING” on Thursday, September 28 at 9:40 a.m.

Summarized from Interview of Tomoko Arakawa, Shimotsuke Shimbun titled “50th Anniversary of ARI,” and lecture at Takasaki Church of the United Church of Christ Japan (UCCJ) on September 24 (Sunday), covered by Jomo Shimbun.