ARI has launched two commemorative crowdfunding campaigns.
We are running an international travel support campaign on GlobalGiving
In Japan, we are running a campaign to support training and educational content on ReadyFor!
– Summary from GlobalGiving Project –
Donations to this project are eligible for a 50% match as part of the September 2023 Little by Little campaign! until September 22, 2023, at 23:59:59 EDT

Support Rural Leaders in Training Connections
by American Friends of Asian Rural Institute
Transportation is the most significant barrier to attending the Rural Leaders Training Program. Without funds to support travel to the Asian Rural Institute, rural leaders cannot participate and transformation cannot occur. Eight out of ten participants return to become rural leaders implementing sustainable agricultural strategies in their community, impacting hundreds. Travel is the first step in building leadership in sustainable agricultural development, the building block of society.
Please use this as one of the means to walk together in the circle of ARI together!
We look forward to your participation.